Aplikasi berbasis cloud yang akan memudahkan kamu didalam mengelola bisnis. Termasuk POS, invoicing, inventory & report.
Ditengah persaingan bisnis yang begitu ketat saat ini, jangan sampai bisnis kamu keteteran karena manajemen yang kurang solid.
Karena itu, Segala hadir dengan aplikasi berbasis web untuk membantu kamu agar tetap menjadi yang terdepan di bisnis kamu!
Kemudahan dan kehandalan yang akan sangat membantu dalam mengembangkan dan mengatur bisnis kamu dengan menggunakan aplikasi POS & Inventory berbasis web Segala.
Aplikasi yang tepat dapat menjadi penyelamat bagi bisnis kamu sekaligus menjadi cara yang revolusioner untuk mengembangkan bisnis kamu pastinya.
Pantau bisnis kamu dimana saja dan kapan saja.
Tidak perlu repost untuk menginstall aplikasi ataupun menyiapkan hardware. Cukup buka browser kamu sudah bisa mulai.
Atur cabang toko dan gudang anda secara terpusat.
Tentukan limitasi untuk peran dan akses ke data bisnis kamu.
Atur stok barang anda di lokasi yang berbeda, tanggal kadaluarsa, nomor lot, riwayat barang & banyak lagi.
Manajemen yang lebih baik untuk usaha reparasi/bengkel, sehingga bisnis kamu lebih terjadwal dan tepat waktu.
Dengan tampilan antarmuka yang sederhana dan mudah. Hemat waktu dan memudahkan kamu dan karyawanmu.
Dengan pelaporan yang memadai bagi pemilik bisnis untuk dapat menganalisa bisnisnya dengan baik.
Kamu sedang mencari aplikasi untuk membantu bisnis kamu? Kamu sudah ada ditempat yang paling tepat!
Dengan desain yang modern & aplikasi yang handal, Segala sangat cocok untuk semua jenis bisnis kamu!
Semakin banyak pengusaha yang menggunakan solusi cloud dari Segala!
We have happy customers
This software has become one of the backbones of our business. It helped us streamline the data of all our warehouses & shops on one platform. I am not much of a techy guy but the admin panel also allows you to customize every aspect of the application.
All the reports help me to give an overview of different aspects of our business.
It is very powerful!
It is truly designed to help my business run more smoothly and efficiently. I can now track and manage inventory, customer information, and sales easily. The installation was quick and easy, and the interface is very user-friendly. I can now manage almost every business operation with one single software!
We have used this for 9 months now. It has helped our business grow by leaps and bounds. The interface and its simplicity have made it easy for us to learn and get familiar with. The best thing about this software is that it is cloud-based and we can use it from our shop, warehouse, or mobile while traveling. I can also see its potential as we continue to grow. Highly Satisfied!
Talk to one of our product experts. We’re here to help you get started for your business.
Cloud-based software provides you a low-cost, secure & mobile software solutions. Compared to traditional software that requires it to install on a computer - cloud-based can be accessed from anywhere without any hardware dependency.
All data are stored in our centralized database which is highly protected with multi-layers of privileges. We takes regular frequency interval automated backup to protect from any unwanted consequences.
Please contact our support, write us in the contact section or call to the number mentioned. You're assured to receive a response in a maximum of 24 hours.
We do provide a free tier for very small business or business that is about to start. To take more advantage of this POS software we recommend that you upgrade to a better plan that unlocks more features.
Yes, with a pro plan you can connect with one of our experts who will help you with implementing the solution for your business.
This is cloud-based software. You'll only need a device with an internet connection & chrome browser. It runs within the browser. No additional hardware is required. But you can use some hardware like barcode scanners, and printers for your convenience to speed up work.
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